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Top fasting gadgets - 1. The Lumen

Darren Pyefinch

17 Mar 2023

Wanna know how long to fast for?

Ever wondered why your fasting isn't working?

Me too!

I used to spend hours and days fasting whilst losing 'weight' but putting it all back on once I'd starting eating 'properly' again.

I did a bit of Googling like you do and came across this game-changing device -

The Lumen

This gadget measures your CO2 output in your breath. This is important because it can tell you whether you are burning carbs (not great for fat loss) or fat (we want this one!)

If you are burning carbs then either:

you have fasted too long and you are going catabolic (burning your own bone & muscle - ask any weight loss specialist or gym goer and this is not good at all)

or you've eaten too many starchy carbs

We really want you to show that you are in the fat burning zone.

Here's how it works.

You pair it to your phone via Bluetooth and then simply blow into it first thing in the morning.

This will tell you your level 1-5. 1or 2 is great and means you are burning fat, 3 is 50/50 fat and carbs, and then 4 or 5 is burning carbs.

the aim is that every morning you are burning fat not carbs. You can even tst it every 3 hours to se if your previous meal has kicked you out of fat burn.

I love my Lumen and it helps me stay in fat burn most of the time except when I'm racing in my triathlons or training hard at the gym when I actually want to be burning carbs.

If you' like to buy a Lumen here's an affiliate link where you get it discounted cheaper than buying it direct from their website.

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